Ordering and checkout

Written by Jens B.

Last published at: June 13th, 2023

You can sell your items in no time. Open the day in your orderbird MINI and you're ready to go...

  1. Tap on the desired item to add it to the shopping cart. Add more items if needed. 

    Default or custom price

    For items with custom price you can choose the default price or enter a custom price: 

    This way you can add the same item with different prices to your shopping cart multiple times!

  2. Tap on [Charge] at the bottom of the screen, or tap on the cart symbol at the upper right to manage items in your cart before checkout. 
    DE_MINI_Launch_Buchen_Abrechnen_3.png DE_MINI_Launch_Buchen_Abrechnen_7.png 

    Change quickly the quantity of an item

    You can change the quantity of an item via long tap! Tap on the item and hold it until you see this:  

  3. Select "In house" or "Take away" at the bottom left (important if tax rates differ).
  4. Choose the payment method. 
  5. Optional:
    • Add tip (for card payments before payment, for cash payments before printing the receipt). 
    • Use the change calculator for cash payments. 
  6. Make the payment. 
  7. Print the receipt.
  8. Done!